Athletic Registration
How To Create a Student Central Account
- Like HealthyRoster, both the guardian and the athlete will need to have accounts with Student Central
- If you have uploaded a physical form into HealthyRoster, please download it so that it can be re-uploaded into Student Central
- Please review the BigTeams Student Central Account Help Guide AND Video Instructions before you begin
- Please head to BigTeams' Student Central to start the account creation process OR text S46000 to 69274 (*see terms & conditions below)
- Please be sure to fill out ALL fields of information when creating an account, including address, phone numbers, and correct email addresses
- Students must use their Penns Valley email address to sign up
- When creating your athlete's account, select ALL sports they play in a school year - this will help with the recertification form in the system
How to Register Your Athlete for a Sport
- A physical form completed by a physician is required every school year
- All forms are already in Student Central as a virtual/editable copy; you do not need forms from the PIAA website
- Sections 1-5 are to be filled out by Parent/Guardian on Student Central
- You can fill out Sections 1-5 & click Print/Upload Here and it will attach your information to a blank Section 6 Physical to be taken to the doctor
- Click Here to Learn How to Print Forms
- Section 6 is to be filled out by a Physician and uploaded to Student Central
- If you already have a completed Section 6 (physical) fill out sections 1-5 and then upload Section 6
- If your athlete has previously played a sport in this school year, the recertification form, Section 7, needs to be filled out
- Section 7 needs to be completed on Student Central
- If you answer YES to any "Supplemental Health History" on Section 7, a physician must complete Section 8
- Once all the above steps are completed, the Athletic Department will review the physicals and approve your athlete to participate
*T&C. To create an account on BigTeams & follow Penns Valley Area School District from your phone, text S46000 to 69274. Text HELP to 69274 for more information. Text STOP to 69274 to opt-out. Msg & Data rates may apply. The wireless carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. Number of messages vary per user. Please click BigTeams Privacy Policy for privacy information.
Attached Files
BigTeams Student Central Parent - Create Your Student Account Help Guide.pdf
BigTeams (Student Central) Parent Guide